This story begins with the memorable War of Fire. In the olden days, a forceful monster of a colossal size ruled Angband: The Black Flame. He destroyed and killed everything in its path, so much so that the people of Angband never prospered. But this creature existed only by the will of the gods to protect (despite the disaster it caused) the power source of all worlds, now called: <The source of corruption>.
The demons of Angband, led by Namégot, formed an alliance to build an army strong enough to defeat the Black Flame. Once victorious, Namégot seized the power source, with which he could rebuild the cities destroyed by the monster. He also built the capital city of Angband on the remains of the Black Flame so that no one would ever forget his prowess and power.
During his prosperous reign he managed to connect the worlds through portals, with the objective of creating a union between the people of all seven kingdoms. These portals allowed the passage of materials, beings made of flesh, blood and even magic. For one needs to know, that before the arrival of these portals, the connections between the worlds were randomly chosen: pathway were generated from time to time, anywhere and for sometimes very short periods…
He managed to achieve the impossible by building a city inside the Desolation, a very hostile kingdom empty of life and poor in matter…
The years passed and Namégot, consumed by his power, went mad and started to oppress the people of the Kingdom of Angband. Wishing to dominate all the kingdoms, he then embarked on the conquest of Tellurön. On his way he met an obstacle that cost him his life. Indeed, the former master of Angband was removed from power and killed by Ranwë during the Great Crusade. But he survived his wounds and was then locked in another world, with no living soul known around…
The ancient city of Angband was then restored under the command of Rawnë to rebuild once and for all the peace in the kingdom. Demons resisting near by were killed or captured and locked in the deep dungeons of the city.
Following the events that doomed Angband to be hidden from the eyes of all and therefore blocking the passages between Tellurön and himself, another demon took the power of the city and the source.
(Even when no reinforcement of men or other representatives of other kingdoms came.)
This daemon is called Azazel and one of the most powerful demons that Angband had ever counted.
He still sits on the Nether’s throne and knows no mercy…