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- All the attractions have been designed without command_block, that means they all work with redstone. The indications are made of signs and unfortunately the map is only available in French.
- Although the map was designed up to version 1.5, it is recommended for more stability to play it in the latest version of Minecraft, 1.12.2.
There is no resource-pack for the map, it is advisable to visit the map with the normal textures of Minecraft Vanilla.
- The gamemode creative is enable by default.
You are free to make commands and browse the map in the gamemode you want. We have no reason to restrict the map against cheating given its age and specificity.
In short, free to do what you want and have fun!
- Warning however, it is still forbidden to appropiate the content of our creations and in this case this map that still belongs in part to the community of Heavencraft server.